Video SEO marketing is one of today’s most effective means to promote businesses and to further generate leads for successful social media campaigns.
Ever since search engines included videos, images, and news in their search results, marketers are presented with the opportunity to further improve their website’s visibility and attract their target market.
For the past few years, Google has been showing favor for YouTube videos as they appear on search results.
By typing in search queries, users are provided with suggestions of related websites, which includes videos holding top position in rankings.
As this trend continues, many online marketers have taken an interest in including optimized videos to result in successful social media campaigns.
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As an online entrepreneur, you want to increase your chances of having successful social media campaigns with the use of video marketing. Videos posted in YouTube and other social networks provide promising results in terms of audience reach.
These videos not only provide an interesting way to convey your marketing messages. They also put a more personal touch to the communication, as you can appear on the videos that you post online.
How do Videos Help Marketers Connect to Audiences in their Social Media Campaigns?
With the many posers and scammers online, consumers are very cautious in trusting every offer they see. With a video, you appear “real” to your audience. They get to hear your voice, see your expressions, and feel as if they are talking to you face to face.
This action actually goes in favor with building your credibility as an entrepreneur, especially as an expert in your chosen niche. Once you hit this, people who have seen your video has a greater chance of availing your product or services and can even recommend it to their friends.
Surely by this time, you are more interested in using video marketing to result in successful social media campaigns. However, it is important for you to know that it is not as simple as most people believe. Creating videos, uploading them on YouTube, and sharing them is not enough to do the work. Just like with your website, your videos need to be optimized as well.
Optimizing Your Videos for Use in Successful Social Media Campaigns
Optimizing your videos is similar to optimizing your website. The first step you need to take is to determine the keywords to use. These are terms and phrases typed in search boxes whenever you are searching for information. Just like with your website optimization, you can research for your keywords using Google Keyword Tool. Other than this, YouTube now offers its own keyword generator, which can help you determine the most typed in keywords used in the video search query. This implementation is all due to the increasing number of users sharing videos.
After generating the keywords to use in optimizing the video, the next step is to include your video’s URL, title, and tag it in. The keyword placing for videos shares the same concept as the strategy used for optimizing websites. Each video should have content related to the keyword you will be using to optimize it. From there you can easily include the keyword to the URL.
With regards to the title, it is best to place it possibly on the first three words. Making tags out of keywords also helps place a video in the right category which increases its visibility in category related searches. If you are using YouTube, you can also use a transcription to further help with the optimization process by including the keywords there.
Adding to the effectiveness of your video SEO marketing campaign is including the keywords in the description. Search engines provide a short preview of the descriptions – around 160 characters. You need to ensure that the keywords are placed exactly within the said character preview limit to be considered by Google, or any search engine, in providing search results. With your descriptions, it helps with users experience and boosts ranking.
Other Means to Optimize Your Video
As part of your optimization efforts for videos in your successful social media campaigns, your videos need to be optimized outside the main video’s page (or channel). You can also include the keywords you’ve researched in this process.
You can also optimize your video content by creating backlinks. While there are several ways to do this, it is important that you refrain from the practice of spamming. You need to be very careful with the linking strategies you use in your video SEO marketing. Some techniques you can try are crosslinking, linking to relevant pages, linking to blog posts, and linking through social bookmarking.
You can include the keywords either as anchor text which redirects anyone who clicks the link to your video, or as descriptions used in bookmarking or in Tweets and Facebook posts. One of the newest means is to use it as hashtags which you include in every social media post.
Just remember to be cautious in creating backlinks. Focus on social media, social bookmarking and Web 2.0 in this task. You can also post the videos on your blog to help increase inbound traffic that will result in successful social media campaigns.
The Truth about Videos and Successful Social Media Campaigns
While including video SEO marketing in your successful social media campaigns is highly advised, implementing it is not as easy as many believe. Like with text-based content marketing, you need to plan the content you are going to share.
This goes even more important if you want to make the video go viral. You need to consider your target market’s wants and needs. You need to research further and understand them to create valuable video content, which in turn makes your video SEO marketing efforts more effective.
Note how the word “valuable” has been used to qualify video content. A video content that is shared and viewed time and again does not depend on how attractive the video was but by the information it discusses.
You also need to consider organizing the information you share so that it is relevant and understandable to the people in your chosen niche. Remember to make sure you have one channel per niche instead of piling them up in a single channel. The last thing you want is to confuse your viewers.
Once you’ve created a valuable video, encourage your viewers to share and participate. Ask them about what they think with what you presented. Tell them to comment or email you; share it to their friends whom they think need the information discussed in the video.
This is the beauty of including video SEO marketing in your campaign. It has the best chance to go viral—and when it does you’ll be reaching more audiences, receive more visitors, gain more customers, which means bigger profit. You further gain their trust too.
With the value you are able to provide in your video SEO marketing, plus proper implementation of SEO and lead generation strategies, you can boost your business visibility in search engine results. Learn more about these strategies with Rob Fore’s free MLM Lead Generation Bootcamp.