This post is going to be a quick working tutorial about “How to Improve Google Ranking” for your web site, blog, videos and articles.
First, let me start by letting you know I make a full-time executive income working from home online and have been for over 15 years now.
Most of my income today is residual or passive income.
The residuals come from a team of over 11,000 active network marketing professionals on my team.
The passive income is generated, primarily, as the result of learning how to improve google ranking for my web pages – pages like this one – designed to either promote a product, service or simply to share information so we can get to know each other a bit more.
About five months ago I decided to stop promoting “widgets” like BBQs, cameras, and other miscellaneous products to earn a commission and, instead, focus only on promoting products and services that would also tend to attract the type of person I am looking to partner with in my primary network marketing business.
In other words, I wanted to find a way to keep on promoting various affiliate products for cash flow and, at the same time, start building a list of people who are actively seeking to make more money working from home using the internet.
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With that in mind, I started to promote an online mlm lead generation system called My Lead System Pro.
It pays a solid $15 to $20 monthly commission per subscription and pays out an incredible 100% pure profits on over a dozen top selling products that targets a very hungry, very anxious-to-buy niche of over 60 million frustrated network marketers – most of whom really want to find a way to build their business online.
How to Improve Your Google Ranking – Step One
Notice the first thing I did was to get real specific about the product or service I wanted to promote and the specific target market who would be especially keen to invest in that product or service.
Getting clear about the “whom” you will be targeting is perhaps one of the most critical secrets to learning how to improve google ranking.
One you’ve selected a target market, spend some time and research how the people within this market interact with Google. Use a keyword research tool like Market Samurai to help discover what SPECIFIC WORDS and phrases they are typing in when using Google to search for more information related to your product or service. You might find dozens, even hundreds of potential phrases that would attract a potential buyer.
For example, the keyword phrase this post is designed to rank high on Google for is “how to improve google ranking”. And I didn’t guess to come up with this keyword phrase. I know I wanted to write a short tutorial about how to get your web pages, blog posts and videos to rank high on Google so I PURPOSELY did some research first to find out what people were actually typing in when looking for this information. And I found “how to improve google ranking” is searched by about 400 people per month AND it doesn’t have that much search competition.
Getting High SERP Results – Step Two
Once you’ve determined a keyword phrase designed to attract your perfect target market, you now need to create some content optimized for that specific keyword phrase.
In the case of an article, blog post, forum post or classified ad… you will want to make sure to include this phrase in the title of your content and within the body copy a few times. This is considered “on page optimization” and it is absolutely critical to getting your content to rank on the search engines. In a nutshell, on page optimization helps the search engine determine what you content is about.
Another thing to be aware of is the fact that search engines rank PAGES, not domains or urls. So, for example, if you write keyword-specific content and post this content on three or four different PAGES… each of these pages or pieces of content (if promoted properly) stand a chance of showing up on the front page of google. Here’s a live example:
How to Improve Google Ranking? Add More Pages!
Proven Google SEO – Step Three
Once you have your content posted online, the most critical step in “how to improve your google ranking” is to start generating links back to your page or blog post or video using the actual keyword phrase as the anchor text.
In fact, all things being equal, if you post a particular article and I post the same article – whoever gets the most backlinks will tend to ranker higher on the search engines.
For a more in depth step-by-step tutorial about how to get your pages to rank high on the front page of Google – check out my proven Predatory SEO system.
Bless and be blessed,
PS – Make sure to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE this post. What challenges are you struggling with when it comes to improving your Google rankings?