From Passion to Profit – Stop Over Complicating Things

Phil loves to tell jokes and make people laugh.

It’s his passion.

Something he just naturally does because he enjoys doing it.

Then one day just like any other day in a day of being Phil, Phil decides to write a “little book of jokes” (which he really enjoyed doing because he LOVES to tell jokes) and see if he could turn his passion into profit.

Today Phil makes $500 on complete autopilot…

Can you imagine?

What would an extra $500 a month mean to you and your family?

At first glance, making an extra $500 a month appears absolutely wonderful, right?

But we all know what ‘MAKE EXTRA MONEY’ really means is…

Trading your time, talent and expertise for dollars.

Meaning you have to GIVE UP something of value in order to gain something of value.

It’s called ‘working’ and it pretty much sucks most of the time because it interferes with doing what you really want to be doing which isn’t working, right?

NOW imagine what it will mean to you and your family when you discover how to

Turn Your Passion Into a Business

… by cashing in on HOW YOU SPEND YOUR FREE TIME anyway.

Start there.

Start by observing yourself doing whatever it is you LIKE TO DO when you have nothing better to do and when life is NOT getting in the way of doing whatever it is you LIKE TO DO at this time in your life.

  • Not what you used to like to do.
  • Not that you think you should like to do.
  • Not preparing to like what you think you should like to do.

What do you enjoy doing – right here, right now – at this time in your life?

Do you enjoy reading?

How about writing book reviews and simply sharing your Amazon Affiliate link to the book your review?

Do you enjoy playing sports?

Lisa and I enjoy tennis and hit the courts for an hour or two a day, 4-5 days times a week. One way we might turn our passion into profit would be to enter cash-prize tournaments.

Do enjoy play games? Are you exceptionally skilled and do you win most of the time? Have you amassed an arsenal of tips, tricks and inside secrets that stack the odds of success in your favor you might be able to jot down in a book?


Pull out your phone and shoot a few step-by-step videos showing people who to do EXACTLY what you do when you are doing it for fun anyway and you might be pleasantly surprised to discover just how easy it really can be to turn your passion into profits.

Interesting concept, don’t you think?

From passion to profit.

Let us count the ways…

One Response

  1. Andrew Rowlands

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