Monetize Blog

monetize blog

How to Monetize Your Blog

You want to monetize your blog.

So you fired up you computer, opened your browser and searched for “monetize blog” (or some other form of that keyword).

You read through the front page search engine results, spotted this post, clicked thru and here we are. Which is actually the first step towards learning how to monetize your blog…

You have to get traffic.

So start there. Start by making sure all your blog posts are optimized for search and written for both readers and the search engines. Because nothing happens until your blog starts to rank on the search engines unless, of course, you are using paid advertising methods.

Monetize Blog Secret #1

Understand the internet works primarily on search. Meaning someone actually sits down and “searches” the internet using very specific words and phrases to find more information about what they looking for.

So the first thing you want to do to learn how to monetize your blog is to think target marketing. What exactly is it you are promoting and who, specifically, is your best target market?

Knowing the answers to these two questions is the first monetize blog secret. Because once you know the what and the who you can use tools like Google Keyword Tool to discover EXACTLY what words and phrases people are typing in when in the market for your product, service or opportunity.

Armed with these specific keyword phrases, write your post specific to rank high on the search engines and social medial sites when someone types in that search. This is requires getting on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

Monetize Your Blog Secret #2

Notice with the body copy of this post you will find a number of links. These links will either take you an affiliate offer where if you purchase the product or service I will have effectively monetized my blog. Or, perhaps, the link will take you to another post or page to learn even more – and that page may be coded with various programs.

So sprinkling your copy with links to appropriate offers for your target marketing is perhaps the #2 monetize blog secret.

How to Monetize Your Blog

Notice also this particular blog is designed to help affiliate marketers and network marketers discover how to make more money. We offer tips, tricks and inside secrets learned through years of trial and effort – and we give these secrets away free.

So the questions begs? What else might this site have available, so if you notice on the top right we have a a rotating ad block with an option to opt-in to learn more. And when people do, we stay in contact via autoresponder and guide them into even more great offers and opportunities.

You might have also noticed a nice POP UP when you first landed on this page which is a very powerful way of monetizing your blog because you can very gracefully feature very specific, very targeted offer that make sense to the different reader so your blog posts.

Powerful Monetize Blog Secret

Using a wordpress plug in like WP Super Popup Pro makes it easy for you to display post specific offers, opt-ins and presentations so you can build your list faster, generate more leads and make more sales. Check it out. You’ll be glad you did.

Click here for an example of how it works… but be forewarned, what you are about to discover may surprise… even shock you!

Bless and be blessed,

Rob Fore

PS – If you had to start over again… what would you do to make $5,000 in 30 days or less?


  1. John W. Wuchner BBA, MBA, JD
  2. John W. Wuchner BBA, MBA, JD

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