
5linx Review

Is 5linx really the ‘premier business opportunity’ they claim or is yet ‘just another’ network marketing opportunity high on hype but short on substance?

Let’s take a much closer look, shall we?

Also, just to be fair – let me state right here and how that I am not a 5linx distributor… nor am I a customer… nor do I actually know any 5linx distributors personally.5linx

But I do have over 30 years of success within the network marketing industry and, in fact, since 1996 have built five six-figure, even multiple six-figure businesses online including a team of over 11,000 active MLM distributors world-wide in one company and a team of over 8,600 in yet another.

5linx Review

If you are reading this post then, chances are, you’ve been approached about joining 5linx as an independent distributor or perhaps as a customer and you’re doing your due diligence.

Which is a good thing. You should do your due diligence before starting any new home business.

So perhaps you’ve read a few “5linx reviews” or have even run across a few “5linx scam” notices and are a little bit unsure about who or what to believe. Which is fair. Because it seems most 5linx reviews will fall into one of two camps:

  1. Positive reviews from those actively promoting the company, products and services
  2. Negative reviews or 5link scam post from those who go in and did not enjoy success

Your best bet then is to first take a look at the facts.

5Linx was established in 2000 and quickly made a name for itself by making the Fortune 500 list in 2005.

The company is backed by a strong management team with a proven track record and a potentially profitable compensation plan.

The company’s business is basically three-pronged: sales of its telecommunications products, direct marketing of the business, and product development. The president and CEO of the company, Craig Jerabeck, has an extensive background both within the MLM industry and with telecommunications and technology.

5Linx is privately held and is considered one of the fastest-growing within the industry. Products include wireless phones and accessories, Internet, satellite TV, long-distance phone services, and its VoIP calling plans.

So far so good. The company is stable, offers a full compliment of products and has an impressive track record.

But the question still begs:

“Can the average person make good money with the 5linx business opportunity.”

5linx Compensation Plan

Like most network marketing compensation plan, there are a number of ways to earn a commission. There are 8 ways to get paid, in fact, with 5Linx, which includes commissions from the sale of their products and monthly residual income when clients and distributors make their monthly payments. You can earn bonuses and incentives such as vacations, luxury cars, and profit-sharing and if you really get in and get busy – you can be driving a FREE Bentley!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtI6g8iUM0c[/embedyt]

You can become a 5Linx representative at two levels, either as a Customer Representative for $99 or as an Independent Marketing Representative (IMR) which requires an initial investment of $499.

There is a monthly fee of $49.99 which gives you a website with all products and services, a back office with all your team and corporate info, 5Linx University, 5Linx TV, 5Linx magazine and access to various other websites provided by 5Linx. There is also a $99 annual renewal fee.

So can you make money? Good question.

The challenge is, because 5linx is a privately held company, they do not have to disclose an income earning statement and… they don’t. This means there is no way to honestly conduct a thorough due diligence including a deep look into how many active distributors are in profit versus not in profit.

And this ONE FACT ALONE would cause me to put the brakes on. Personally.

5linx – the Sobering Reality

Let’s assume for a minute, however, that you do decide to move forward and join this business as an active affiliate with the goal of creating a six-figure residual income in a period of 3-5 years.

Bottom line this means you will need to build a team of at least 2,000 active distributors who all have at a least a handful of active customers because the only way people get paid in a direct marketing company is through the sale of products and services.

So the question is,

“How do YOU intend to promote the business opportunity?”

Once you approach your family, friends, co-workers and other associates – what’s your plan to get the product, service and opportunity in front of a new batch of potential prospects over an extended period of time.

How much time to you have set aside to follow up with interested prospects?

Do you have a long-term advertising and marketing budget available and, for that matter, any advertising and marketing experience?

Another thing to consider is the profitability of the product line.

5linx offers a variety of technology related services – VOIP, telecom, internet connections and more. All of these could be considered commodities that compete on price. So when you offer a product that is essentially the same as everyone else’s product – the only way to compete is on price. And if I did not have the “promise” of potentially getting paid a commission to use your product or service, would I? Under normal market conditions?

If not, if there was no real, viable benefit-based benefit to using your product or service apart from the promise of potentially getting paid a commission for promoting the product or service – this ONE FACT ALONE would cause me to put the brakes on – because without a competitive advantage… building a profitable business will be tough going.

Bless and be blessed,

Rob Fore

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  1. J. Smith

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