Repurpose Content for More Traffic

If you are an internet marketer…

One of the most powerful ways to expand market reach is to repurpose your content – which means: finding new ways to recycle your existing blog posts, research, videos, articles and even your graphics to reach a wider, more diverse range of potential customers and prospects.

Two Biggest Benefits of Repurposing Content

Repurposing content gives the astute marketer an edge by decreasing new content production costs and by increasing the potential return on investment (ROI) from all current content.

It’s like having your cake and getting to eat it, too!

3 Ways to Repurpose Content

Three Ways to Repurpose Content

There are a number of methods to re-purpose your articles to give your Internet marketing a boost, but here we focus only on three proven, very effective ways to do it.

1. Syndicate your articles on other websites.

Webmasters are constantly browsing for new material to post on their websites. In fact, creating new content to keep their visitor engaged, entertained and informed is the bane of most online marketers.


So why not consider using allowing other web sites and blogs to repost your best content?

It’s a brilliant strategy that is win-win for everyone. The blog owner gets fresh content and your articles get more exposure. Of course, it will take some time and effort to build out a massive redistribution network with numerous bloggers and to get everything thing all set up… but the payoff can be absolutely huge.

2. Submit your article to directories and article banks.

There are many online directories that accept article submissions at no charge – which makes submitting your repurposed content as a new article to numerous directories and article banks a great way to expand your market, present yourself as an expert in your particular niche and get the most out of all your existing efforts.

These most popular article directories also get plenty of targeted traffic, which means potential customers will see your articles and click to your ads in the resource box. Besides that, ezine publishers and webmasters looking for new content are always browsing through these directories with a goal of finding articles to publish on their website and blogs!

Can you imagine?

How will your business, income and lifestyle be different when dozen, even hundreds of other websites and blogs start publishing your content… for free?

3. Create your own niche directory.

The idea here is to create and manage your own niche article directory – allowing other guest authors to repurpose and republish unique content in your directory. You benefit by getting a constant stream of new, highly-relevant content for your visitors to read and engage in and your guest authors win by expanding audience reach.

Set up and promoted properly, there are very few internet marketing strategies as powerful as managing your own article directory when it comes to generating traffic and boosting performance in search engine rankings. But, alas, it is going to take a significant investment to pull this off.

So there you go!

If you already have great content that attracts your best prospects and potential customers – one of the most powerful, least expensive ways to take your business, income and lifestyle to the next level is to simply repurpose your content.

Which is exactly why so many of the top marketers online do it!

PS – Check Out SPIN DISTRIBUTE to discover one of fastest, easiest, least expensive ways to repurpose your content to hundreds of article directories and blogs. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.