Over the past 10 years Lisa and I have enjoyed “network marketing success” twice.
The first company offered health and wellness products.
Within two years, the business was bringing in a very solid full-time executive income.
We stopped actively promoting the company six years ago and we still get a check each and every month. So I would definitely consider that venture to be a network marketing success.
The reason we stopped actively promoting this first business is simply because another business had caught our attention that seemed to offer even more potential.
PLUS, the magic of mlm is once your business gets to a certainly level called momentum – it will continue to grow and make more money with or without your active participation and we figured the first business was there.
Today you could say Lisa and I have created yet another network marketing success story as we are currently top 20 income earners with a team of over 11,000 active distributors worldwide in this second business.
How cool is that?
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But wait! It’s get even better because what you are about to discover may surprise, even shock you…
Network Marketing Success Secrets
Along the way, I have to tell you, we have searched the world over for a SHORT CUT to building a huge business fast. A MAGIC PILL that would be easy to swallow and that somehow magically heal our financial woes. And frankly, what we discovered is truly profound once you wrap your mind around it…
[gss-content-box color=”blue”]Network Marketing is the Shortcut![/gss-content-box]
Think about it.
You can join most network marketing companies for less than a $1,000 and instantly have the resources of a multi-million dollar company at your disposal.
For just a few hundred dollars and a click of your mouse (to complete the application), you instantly get a complete business solution with all the support, training, staff, production, legal, accounting and marketing resources of a multi million or even a billion dollar company.
Instead of hiring support staff… just pick up the phone. Instead of spending a fortune for a copywriter, graphic designer and professional actors to effectively present your products and services – just use what the company has already provided. And instead of scratching your head wondering what to do when… simply follow the proven model the top income earners (who have a vested interested in your success) have outlined.
I mean, seriously…
[gss-content-box color=”blue”]Network Marketing is the Shortcut![/gss-content-box]
Network Marketing Success in 3 Steps
While searching for the “Holy Grail”, the Magic Pill and Inside Secrets to network marketing success we discovered, without exception, that all major six-figure, multiple six-figure and even mind boggling 7-figure income earners had all embrace the same proven three-step success model:
- Connect with people
- Direct people to a simple presentation
- Follow up to collect a decision
That’s it.
So while everyone seems to build their business differently – dig deeper – and you’ll find they are all doing the same exact things!
[gss-content-box color=”blue”]Three steps. Connect. Direct. Enroll.[/gss-content-box]
The BOTTLE NECK in the process for most struggling networks is in the connection process.
In other words, once you have run out of “warm market” to present your business to – those people with whom you already have a relationship – now what? Now WHO do you connect with and how do you go about it?
And the answer plunks us right smack into the wonder world of marketing which is far to “deep” to address here.
But the good news is there is a proven solution.
There is a MAGIC PILL to connecting with people we don’t know.
It’s called attraction marketing and you can learn more about the process right here, right now absolutely free…
Free 5-Day Attraction Marketing Blueprint
Bless and be blessed,
PS – Make sure to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE this post. What challenges are you struggling with? What have you learned here today? How can I best help you produce the results you are looking for?
Thanks for sharing such an informative piece. It was very helpful indeed.This will be helpful for growth in network marketing field.