Today I’m going to share with you a couple things that I think might be very important if you’re in the health and wellness space in general and, in particular, if you’re in the health and wellness niche promoting a network marketing opportunity like MyDailyChoice.
This is something that was brought to my attention just this weekend by Mr. Ray Higdon himself.
Rob Fore Meets Ray Higdon
Now, I don’t know if you know Ray Higdon. But I actually met Ray back in 2012.
We were both speakers at an attraction marketing event in Cancun, a private mastermind, with probably 20 people in attendance plus a handful to speakers and trainers.
I was a speaker and Ray was a speaker and that’s where I met Ray for the first time.
Now they had a contest at this event where everybody kicked in a little bit of money to make a donation for a good cause. So everyone just came out of pocket and gave 40 bucks or 100 bucks or whatever.
The idea behind the contest was every participant would have an opportunity to stand up, share their story or a short presentation based on the topic:
Why they should be given all of that money.
Now I don’t remember how much money was actually in play, but let’s just say there was $1,000 on the table, and you had three minutes to give a presentation.
Later, after everyone presented, a vote would be taken as to who had made the best presentation. And if your presentation was best, you would win the entire pool of money, that thousand dollars.
The speakers were not allowed to participate. So I couldn’t participate, and Ray couldn’t participate.
But Jessica, Ray’s wife could.
And I remember standing there listening to Ray coach Jessica on how to win this contest. And what Ray was sharing was give value, versus doing what everyone else had been doing – which was simply sharing their story.
And it might have been a very earnest, heartfelt good story of why they deserve the money, or what they would do with the money or how the money would benefit them now, and they could then benefit people in the future.
All great stories. All great reasons why they either deserved the money or would put the money to good use to benefit others in some way.
But it was all pretty much around them.
And what Ray was teaching Jessica (and me because I was eavesdropping on the conversation, right?)… was…
Lead with value, give the audience something of value.
Jessica did that and she did that very well.
She actually had just come up with a course on social media marketing, how she had personally sponsored and recruited some bazillion number of people to become top of the food chain, you know, rank advance in her network marketing deal at the time, all through social media. And she had done a really neat training about that.
Jessica Higdon Wins the Contest Hands Down
How? She offered to give that away that course to everybody that contributed to this contest.
And of course, she won hands down.
So that was really, really cool.
That’s where I met Ray and I actually joined him in his network marketing company at the time at that event. I was just so impressed. And at the time, I was already a top 20 income earner in another network marketing company, but they had just recently changed our comp plan and you know how that goes.
That kind of thing creates a hornet’s nest sometime.
So the jury will was still out if I would continue to promote that particular program or not. So I was kind of open to looking for a new program and asked Ray to tell me more about the program he was building… and BOOM!
I share all of that to tell you this…
I actually had the opportunity to join RankMakers, which is a program that Ray has where he actually goes in live once a day into this group for 15-60 minutes or more to holding people accountable to producing results.
MLM prospecting, MLM recruiting, MLM marketing results.
So I finally had an opportunity to jump into rainmakers. And I, once inside, I also picked up a new product in the back office that I had not seen for sale previously. It just want not publicly displayed called:
How Ray Higdon Would Build a Health and Wellness MLM
If he were to do that today, if Ray were to actually join a health and wellness company, how would he promote that? And it only made sense that I pick up this new training because Ray rocks AND because I am now focusing on building out a new health & wellness mlm company called MyDailyChoice so it just made sense.
Within, I don’t know, probably the first hour Ray shared something that pretty much put a stop to everything I was doing and had me immediately reconsider what I had planned for the long term and that’s what I want to share with you here.
Long story short…
One of the fastest, easiest ways to drive new traffic, leads and sales into your offers is to create KEYWORD-BASED content designed to attract the people most likely to have an interest in what you are promoting.
One of the fastest, easiest ways to pull that off is to produce keyword-targeted VIDEOS that target keywords people are actually typing in when looking for a solution your product, service or business opportunity solves.
For example, the program I promote has a full line of CBD products and there are tens of thousands of people sit down in front of their favorite search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Youtube and search for things like:
Once we compile a list of all relevant keywords, we then produce a video ON PURPOSE to rank specifically for that keyword, secure video seo service to get the video to rank – then then move on to the keyword on the list.
It’s a proven model that has never failed to produce a profitable result…
… and Ray collaborated the model by suggesting he would do the same thing if he and Jessica were to start promoting a health and wellness MLM like MyDailyChoice.
The difference is…
My videos were all BRANDING the company, the company’s logo and we proudly displayed the products… offered personal testimonials and.. tada!
Ray said he WOULD NOT brand the company, the logo or even mention the product you are selling and recommending specifically in the video at all.
Why not?
To Avoid Making Product Claims or Income Claims which Could Lead to an Issue With Your Compliance Department Later Down the Road
Watch the video and let me know what you think?
To BRAND or NOT to Brand. That is the question.
Bless and be blessed,