Serious about building your network marketing business?
Over the past 10 years I’ve been blessed to have built two very profitable mlm businesses so maybe… just perhaps… I might have an idea or two of how to help you put your new business on the fast track to creating wealth WHILE enjoying the journey.
In fact, just this past month I was able to personally sponsor 30 people in 30 days in a new $500 program.
Here is exactly what I did NOT do… this is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you should do!
In other words… this video is a JOKE! Tongue in cheek…
Building Your Network Marketing Business Right
First things first.
Decide why, exactly, you are in business. What is it you want to accomplish? What payoff are you looking for down the road?
Because unless you know exactly where you want to go, you’ll wind up going no where fast. Plus, without a strong emotional reason for doing the things you need to do to build a profitable business over time – when the going gets rough or boring or even slightly uncomfortable or inconvenient – you’ll stop. Guaranteed. So dig deep and FIND a strong enough reason that is more than worthy of the price you are going to have to pay.
Second, with your end result in mind – pencil out exactly how your business needs to look in three to five years in order to secure your dreams and goals.
This is a great time to play around with the compensation plan and various leadership levels so you can paint a reasonably accurate picture of the business you are going to have to build. (An easy way to do this is to simply find your company’s published “earnings disclosure statement” and find the leadership level you need to be at in order to produce the results you want.)
Once you have the SIZE of your business determined, work backward in time to plan out a rough road map in order to measure your progress along the way.
For example you might discover an average “5 Star Director” in your company earns $20o,000 a year (which is the income you are seeking) and it takes around 200 days to reach this rank (according to the earnings disclosure) if you “get in and get busy”.
200 days. That’s about seven months. So crunch the numbers ‘backwards” and layout some PRODUCTION markers. For example,
- Month 1 = 12 personal sign ups, 4 duplicated, 16 total
- Month 2 = 12 personal sign ups, 8 duplicated, 36 total
- Month 3 = 12 personal sign ups, 9 duplicated, 57 total
- Month 4 = 12 personal sign ups, 14 duplicated, 81 total
- Month 5 = 12 personal sign ups, 20 duplicated, 113 total
- Month 6 = 12 personal sign ups, 28 duplicated, 153 total
- Month 7 = 12 personal sign ups, 38 duplicated, 203 total
Then simply CHANGE YOUR PLAN if you are not reaching your production goals along they way. Make sense?
Engrave Your Goals in Stone, Write Your Plans in Sand
Building Your Network Marketing Business Fast
Bottom line… be coachable and be willing to do what your successful upline leaders are suggesting you do.
My personal sponsor, the #1 income earner in the company, suggested I go through a simple 5 point, four hour team training site.
So I found the time and took notes. Lots of notes. And then referred back to my notes a few times. I did this within two days of joining. Even more important, I DID what my sponsor asked me to do within the training – review sites, presentations, and make warm market list.
He also suggested I write down my dreams and goals and afformations.
I did this as it relates to this company and sent him a copy within three days of joining.
Next he suggested I schedule a PBR – a private business reception and send out written invitations to announce the “Grand Opening” of my business. He showed me where to get the company information on hosting a PBR.
I secured the information, read it, set a date, purchased 50 invitations and sent them out. I scheduled time to personally call and follow up five days after the invitations were sent. I did this by the end of my sixth day and the follow calls were scheduled out for the next two weeks.
He suggested I pick up the phone and call everyone I had a phone number for and invite them to view an online presentation – a presentation available to the entire team. He told me what to say.
Within the first 30 days I had called everyone I had a phone number for and said what my sponsor told me to say. I sent them to the team presentation. I sponsored five people.
Next I simply continued to reach out and make contact with new people every day because that is what he said he did to produce his incredible multiple six-figure results. Reach out and collect at least 10 NOs per day. So that’s exactly what I have done. I’ve connected with people on Facebook, Twitter, Skype, in my local area and via email.
In other words… I was 100% coachable and I took action immediately.
No fiddling. No getting ready to get ready so I would be ready when it was time to be ready to do something.
No arguing for my limitations and massaging age-old excuses that have never helped me grow bigger than I have been living.
I simply left my “ego” and “experience” at the door and did exactly what was being asked of me. Even though it was (and still is) uncomfortable at times and even though I “think” I really need to know more and do more and be more before taking action. Regardless. I simply took the actions required and have produced a wonderful, amazing, fast start result.
Now it’s your turn. Go make it happen!
Bless and be blessed,
PS – Has your sponsor tied you into a online lead generation system that spits of new, highly qualified contacts on a daily basis? Are you raking in over 30 leads per day? if not, why not? Click Here to Discover How