Proven High Quality RSS Feed Aggregators

high quality rss feed aggregatorsRSS feed aggregators require precision, user-friendliness, and overall quality to win the hearts of those who live by them.

These RSS feed aggregators can be difficult to come by, but there are a few out there that have withstood the test of time.

With the departure of Google Reader, it has become important to see who has survived and who was flushed away with this move as collateral damage.

Let’s take a glance at some of the best high quality RSS feed aggregators out there at the moment and what makes them stand out in comparison to the others.


Let’s begin with one of the ‘big boys’ out there. This is one of the major competitors with the other big man on campus in the form of ‘Feed Demon,’ which will be discussed next.

RSS Owl is a sensational option because of how user-friendly it is and the simplistic nature of its set-up. There are a plethora of options, but it is simple to use and that is a major plus point.

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This is one of those options that has survived the test of time and continues to get better. The viewing modes are quite nice and pleasant to the eye. It is easy to sift through all of the information and find those important details right away.

It does not require any form of installation and that makes the start up process quite easy. It is literally a double click away from cranking up and firing on all cylinders. It truly is as easy as that. Users who want perfection should look past this option. It has it all.

Feed Demon – Another High Quality RSS Feed Aggregator

Let’s move onto the next major player in this battle between aggregators. FeedDemon has had its system revamped after Google Reader was taken out and it has come out with a nice, smooth system.

This is even better than RSS Owl because of how simple it is to use. The program does its job well and makes sure everything is compiled as desired and organized in a reliable, effective manner.

When there are a lot of feeds, it can become almost impossible to sift through the information that is being processed and relayed back. However, with Feed Demon, this is not an issue at all. It is designed to handle these requirements with ease and the aesthetic look at the end is incredible.

Among all of the options, this is rated amongst the very best out there and will continue to remain up there until something truly blows things away.

Blog Bridge

There are some users who subscribe to a few feeds and this is probably not for them. This is specifically designed for addicted subscribers who have an incredibly long list of feeds that have to be compiled and organized in a reasonable manner.

Blog Bridge is one of the best options out there when it comes to organizational needs. It truly has this system down and understands the needs of organizing and compiling.

Synchronizing across devices is easy and this makes finding new feeds that much simpler too. The depth of the system is convenient and makes sure the user is able to discover a range of new options as time passes by.

Continue Reading for More High Quality RSS Feed Aggregators

Omea Reader

This is one of those all around options that should not be forgotten when listing potential high quality RSS feed aggregators.

Omea Reader has earned rave reviews because of how its ‘all-in-one’ way of aggregation. It encompasses newsgroups, feed reading, e-mail, and web browsing into one forceful package.

It is a great option for those who do not want to move around and require a system that works and gets the job done. It might not have the extra features that makes these aggregators true winners, but it is a jack of all trades.

All of these aggregators are exceptional options and one cannot go wrong with any of them. They are able to compile and organize with great effect, and after Google Reader’s demise, these are wonderful replacements.

They are nicely designed and they are pleasant to the eye without becoming complicated for users new to such systems. The perfect balance is struck with these options and they are all must haves.

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