While there are many online opportunities for generating a monthly stream of income, posting to a blogging site can be extremely lucrative.
Once your site is up and running, you can express your opinions, views, points of view, ideas, and interests to the whole world.
If your quality content is good, you will likely attract a targeted audience that is eager to interact with you online. At some point, it will be easy to generate income off the large number of visitors on your site every week or month.
There are effective tools for generating a continuous flow of money every month. In fact, many entrepreneurs who blog make money online. Most of them generate cash by using one or more of the following options. They include:
Pay per Click (PPC)
Pay per Click is an easy solution for an online blogger to make money. As the blog owner (Internet publisher), you can post advertisers’s headlines, banners, and adverts on your blogging site.
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Typically, you will be paid every time someone clicks on the advertisement or when the visitor purchases a product after you have redirected them to another website. Out of all the available pay per click opportunities, Google’s AdSense Program is by far the biggest player.
Because you are able to bring quality targeted traffic to the advertiser site, you take a piece of the profit for every visitor performing the “call to action.” Both Yahoo and Microsoft also offer these types of financial opportunities as an alternative to AdSense.
Other Opportunities to Blog and Earn Money
Text ads are exactly that, where you place text, much like a Google Ad, somewhere on your blogging site. This usually requires that you have a minimum number of page views each month (sometimes 100,000 or less), even though they pay a low ad rate if you have a large targeted audience. In a specific niche, it can generate a healthy income every month.
In addition to text ads, banner ads can be extremely profitable and help generate steady streams of income every month. Typically, a company that is eager to display their banner in front of your targeted audience will sponsor these ads.
Usually, you will receive a specified, predetermined amount of cash every month to place the logo or banner of the company somewhere on your blogging site.
Other Means to Blog and Make Money
Since the invention of the Internet and online sales, product reviews have become a phenomenon. This is because most individuals will turn to the Internet to seek out comments, feedback, reviews, and critiques about products they want to purchase.
Companies understand this, and often pay individuals to write a product review. Even though there are strict limitations placed on bloggers by the FTC, it is still an easy way to generate steady streams of income as long as you play by product review rules.
An Affiliate Program
Nearly every online entrepreneur has heard of the Amazon Affiliate Program, the granddaddy of them all. However, affiliate programs are available everywhere in all types of niche markets. If you build a solid reputation with your online visitors, an affiliate program can generate huge volumes of cash for you every month.
Usually, you can set up a widget on your blogging site and let your visitors know that you recommend a specific book, product, service, or good. When your visitor clicks on the widget link and purchases the product, you get your share of the profits. Amazon and other affiliate programs sell a huge variety of products. Select those that pay a high commission in a niche market that will be of great interest to your audience.
Many individuals who blog make money online by continuously updating new quality content to their blogging site. This is important because search engines including Google and Yahoo continuously scour the Internet looking for new content to satisfy the needs of a visitor’s search query.
Anytime the search engine locates new information you have posted to your blog, which is relevant to your niche market, you increase your search engine ranking and drive more targeted visitors to your site.
Many successful entrepreneurs who blog make money online generate enough cash to abandon their day jobs. By attracting a large targeted audience, and monetizing your blog site, you can create steady streams of money every month.