Hesitant of approaching your warm market?
If you are serious about taking your network marketing business to the next level fast… get over it!
Because there is simply no faster, no more profitable way of getting started on the fast track than to approach your warm market – even if you don’t believe you have any credibility and even if you don’t believe you even have a warm market.
Magic of Your Warm Market
I recently started promoting a new network marketing opportunity and, as it always happens, my sponsor asked me to compile a list of family, friends, co-workers, business associates and other people who may know me or who may know of me.
Frankly, I did not want to do it and my brain immediately started feeding me all kinds of “justifications” as to why I should not and could not put together a list.
- I’ve already approached them with various opportunities.
- I really don’t know anyone who is not already on my team.
- I don’t want anyone to think I’m taking advantage of our relationship.
But he persisted and shared with me that he had approached his warm market list with over six different opportunities within a five year period – had failed miserably in each of them – but he had not approached them with this new opportunity and how selfish it would be zip the lip and not at least give the people you supposedly care about the most the opportunity to make up their own minds.
Made sense, but I still didn’t want to do it.
Just the thought of it made me uncomfortable.
Then I remembered, in times past, where I was “comfortable, though miserable” being mediocre and if I was serious about producing the result I was claiming I wanted… it would be in my best interest to leave my ego and short-comings at the door and simply do what my sponsor was asking me to do.
After all, he was already producing the results I wanted and if I wanted to produce the same results – perhaps I should get past whatever issues were holding me back and simply “do the do.”
Besides, when he approached his “tired of hearing from me” warm market list he personally sponsored over a dozen people his first week.
So I made a list.
And it was actually easier than I thought to put together a list of about 260 people – some with phone numbers, some with addresses and some only with email addresses. And as I compiled the list, I jotted down why I thought the business or products would be a good fit for them.
In other words, I really thought about each person and what I knew about them and their current situation.
I didn’t prejudge if they would even be open or not – simply why I thought it might make a good match.
Contacting Your Warm Market List
Those with phone numbers who would recognize my voice I called. The message was simple…
“Hey, what’s your email address? I want to send you over a link to a short 30 minute video I want you to take a look at because I would really like your opinion. If I send that over now, how soon can you take a look at it? It’s important because I would really like your opinion.”
If they asked me what it was about, I simply shared I was thinking about “their situation” (or whatever reason I thought they might be interested) and that I though the information in the video might be of value. I would not tell them anything about the company, the products or even that it was a business opportunity video I wanted them to watch. Why would I? Because people do judge a book by it’s cover or a movie by it’s title – often unfairly – and I didn’t want them to have the opportunity of cheating themselves inadvertently.
I called 41 people and personally sponsored five into a new $365 program.
Warm Market – No Phone Numbers
If I felt the person would not recognize my voice (luke warm market) – then I either sent them an email with a link to my new video presentation – or I connected in some other way like sending a message through Facebook or Skype.
Same process.
Short intro, link to the video presentation, and let them know I would follow up to get their opinion.
Result? 262 messages. 19 new team members.
Moral of the story?
Approaching your warm market is the fastest, easiest, most profitable way to start your new business – or give your current business a much needed boost.
The idea is not to pester, persuade, convince, sell or guilt your peeps into doing anything they don’t want to do. Simply share your message. Use tools. Then follow up to determine if the message makes sense for them now. If not, so what? No big deal!
- Connect with people you know
- Guide them to a simple presentation
- Follow up to collect a decision
Bless and be blessed,